Saturday, March 7, 2009

Gigue from Bach Partita

If anyone wants to give a try on the gigue Caterina LIchtenberg and Mike Marshall played last night, I found the partita on IMSLIP and cut it down just to the gigue part. You'll have to contact Mike Marshall if you want the mandocello part.

Look in my MobileMe public folder under Scores. It's the one entitled IMSLIP01307-BWV1004-Gigue.pdf


james said...

looks like something you should be able to have ready by monday's rehearsal, huh?

Dotty said...

Um, perhaps not by Monday. :( Sorry to disappoint you James.

But I was hoping that you could figure out the mandocello part by ear by then. ;)

But there is hope - it's actually more playable than it looks. Disclaimer - I've always been a bit of a Bach geek.

There are some shifts (which I need a lot of practice on) and some awkward intervals (ditto on the practice), but otherwise flows pretty nicely.

And it doesn't have to be played at warp 9 to sound pretty nice!