Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Slow Downer Software

People were asking at a rehearsal about slow downer software.

I use Ronio's Amazing Slowdowner.  It's reasonably priced (around $50), available for Windows and the Mac, and easy to use.

MMO as a MBOTMA member band

I notice on the MBOTMA website, when you see the list of member bands and click on Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra, there's an old black & white photo of the group, probably from about 1991. Maybe this can be updated to display the recent color photo . . .
To get more publicity, for starters, I asked a Blue Wolf Bluegrass band member to post our link on their website, under "Links to our Friends."

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Shameless NLMQ Plug

The Northern Latitudes Mando Quartet will be performing at the Hosmer Library, 347 E. 36th St. on May 31st from 2:00 to 3:30 PM. Come by and hear a new march composed by James! As a prelude to that show, we may be on KFAI's Century Song radio program at 10:00 AM on May 25th (90.3 on your FM dial).

Looking ahead, the NLMQ will be performing on Peavey Plaza for the Macy's Day of Music on Friday, July 11th, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.

Thanks for your support!!

Friday, May 23, 2008

blog subscription

How can I subscribe to this blog? Do I subscribe to a specific post, or can I get an e-mail anytime someone writes something?
The MMO's Como Lakeside Pavilion concert on 8/11 is posted here. There was a link to add photos, so I added 12 from the 2007 St. Louis Park concert. The first are from Dotty's friend's camera. The "hazy" ones are from the TV video in which I made "snapshots" into .jpg files. If anyone is interested in making snapshots from the CD, let me know. I think you just load the CD, and the camera/snapshot option is there.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Mandolin Symposium

If anyone is interested in the "Mandolin Camp" Dotty and I are going to, here is the website: http://www.mandolinsymposium.com/index.htm

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Good show at Eagle Crest

Thanks, everyone, for an excellent performance at Eagle Crest. Everyone seemed to be listening and watching more attentively than the week before. That gave me more freedom to shape the music, and made for a more expressive performance. It sounded great.