Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rain Contingency for Today

It looks possible that this afternoon will be stormy.  The Loring Park Art Fair directors have asked that we defer any decisions to cancel until noon today.

At noon I will email the group with the prognosis and whether the orchestra is on the hook to perform.  In the event that our performance is cancelled, I will also call all members who have RSVPd affirmative, using the phone numbers on the roster.

Thanks for your patience,

1 comment:

Jonathan Bredin said...

All the forecasts I've looked at indicate 70-90% chance of thunderstorms during our scheduled set this afternoon.

The organizers and I feel it safest to cancel this afternoon's performance.

I will call all the members who have RSVP'd affirmative momentarily. I will also be at Loring Park from around 2-3:30 to help anyone who didn't get the message.