Monday, July 29, 2019

Kentucky Mandolin For Sale

At the risk of a game of telephone, a friend of the orchestra would like some help selling her Kentucky mandolin.


Hello from Iceland, Jonathan! I’m about to start my wilderness horseback tour and can’t follow up on this, so I’m wondering if you’d post the information below about a friend’s mandolin for sale onto MMO’s blog. I won’t be back until August 12; the best response contact is the seller at her email address: Joan Cochran,


I have a Kentucky FM-250 mandolin I bought from Homestead Pickin Parlour in 2014 but I've not caught the bug to learn to play it well - time to part ways.
Through your mandolin orchestra, could I list it for sale?
Mandolin/strap/canvas case were $450 five years ago.  I'd like to sell if for around $350. It's in perfect condition; not played much.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Rain Contingency for Today

It looks possible that this afternoon will be stormy.  The Loring Park Art Fair directors have asked that we defer any decisions to cancel until noon today.

At noon I will email the group with the prognosis and whether the orchestra is on the hook to perform.  In the event that our performance is cancelled, I will also call all members who have RSVPd affirmative, using the phone numbers on the roster.

Thanks for your patience,

Friday, July 19, 2019

Rehearsal attendance

Next week, July 22, is the last rehearsal before our Loring Park concert. After that, August 5 will be the last rehearsal before our Edina, Harriet, and Como Concerts. In recent weeks, various factors have conspired against rehearsal attendance. On July 15, we were under 50%. If we're going to be ready for our summer concerts, we need to have our players in attendance at rehearsals.  Please make attendance a priority on July 22 and August 5.

If your status for any upcoming concerts has changed, please update that information at

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Performance Dates

I am booking the Orchestra to play Sunday November 17 at the Landmark Center at 1pm.

I'm also looking to book a performance at Parkshore Place this Fall one of
  • Tuesday, October 22, 6:30pm
  • Tuesday, November 19, 6:30pm
  • Tuesday, December 3, 6:30pm
Would orchestra members either log into or email me with availability, please?
