Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Thank you

 Thank you, everyone, for contributing to the generous check that came in the mail yesterday. The mandolin orchestra is functioning differently this year, but it’s good that we can continue to make music together even when we cannot be in the same place.

Jonathan already mentioned some of the MMO's 2020 achievements, such as making the videos, including more players, and making a strong impression at the CMSA convention. I had a part in making those things happen, but I'm not the only one who put in some work. While I've been arranging and editing music and recording guide tracks, Jonathan deserves credit for producing the videos, and Ben deserves credit for mixing the audio and helping me with the guide tracks. Credit is also due to everyone who figured out how to make those individual videos. Our successes in 2020 were a team effort.  

In 2021, I’ll continue to find new music do the prep work for more videos. When COVID-19 is no longer a crisis, I'll work with the MMO board of directors to figure out when we can play together again in person.

Monday, December 21, 2020

Free USB microphone to good home

I'm looking for a good home for a CAD u37 USB microphone.  I decided to upgrade my USB microphone to an AKG Lyra.  Would any MMO member like a free USB mic?

I think the CAD is a nice basic microphone. It only has two switches, an overload protection mode and and a low-frequency filter, so it's easy to use.  The cardioid sensitivity takes a step in reducing background/ambient noise without dulling the sound.  The mic comes with a stable tripod, but you can also connect it to a standard mic stand.

I've used the CA mic with Android phones and tablets with a powered USB hub.

Hopefully, you are all enjoying our current recording project.  If you haven't received the sheet music and invitation, please let me know.
