If you don't want to use the RSVP site, please feel free just to email me (Jonathan) which performances you plan to play, and which you cannot.
The Site
Log In
Enter your user name (your name on the roster):
Enter your password (I'll send you a password shortly):
If You Forget or Lose Your Password
You can email Jonathan to reset it. It's easy for Jonathan to reset a password (but not recover).
Or you can reset it automatically from the log in page-- just enter your name as listed on the roster and click "I Forgot My Password". The server will send you a new password to the email address we have for you on the roster. Emailing the reset password can take 20-30 minutes sometimes.
RSVP for Events
The default screen you'll see should say "Browse Events", but if you see other screens, you can return by clicking "Events" in the bootstrap banner.
For each event there is a red/grey/green toggle switch beside a date time. Click the left, middle, or right side of the switch to say that you cannot, might, or are able to perform at the event. You can always change your RSVP.
The bar to the right side of the switch indicates what portion of responding players can attend. More red is negative. More green is affirmative.
If there are multiple dates for an event, that is because Jonathan is trying to narrow down possibilities to book a venue.
Lon and Jonathan will see a "Details" button that allows only them to see who has responded and summarizes the RSVP count for each section.
Tell Me You Cannot Play Dates
You can specify dates that you cannot play before before Jonathan even thinks about booking. Click "User Settings" in the bootstrap banner. Click "Blackout Dates". Click the dates on the calendar that you cannot play. The server will record the dates for Lon and Jonathan for booking hints and will RSVP negative appropriately. You can change the RSVP for the event later, but there is no way currently of unsetting the black-out date, other than asking Jonathan to reset it.
The display of the "Cannot Attend These Dates" calendar fails intermittently and Jonathan will work to improve it. You should be able to fix the display by reloading the page.
Change Your Password
You can change your password under "User Settings" by clicking "Personal" and clicking "Change" next to "Password".
Get Help
Please feel free to ask Jonathan for help on the site, or to suggest improvements. For the curious or technically generous, you can see the plans for the site and server at https://github.com/jonathanlb/cat-wrangler
There's also description for the features under "About" in the bootstrap.
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