Thursday, May 10, 2018

Banjo uke for sale; proceeds to MMO

I acquired this no-name banjo uke sometime in the early 2000s, but have never played it much, mainly because ukulele baffles me.  I put on new strings when I bought it, but have played it maybe one hour total over the years.

I was thinking that I'd put it up on Reverb dot com, but this might be a better way to pass it along to somebody who would enjoy it.  Anybody who is interested can acquire this instrument by writing a check for a negotiable (very low) figure to the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra.  I'll bring it to our May 14 rehearsal for anyone who wants to check it out.  

(Hypothetically, MMO could raise a little money this way on a regular basis.  I have a few more music items I wouldn't mind donating, and maybe others do too.)
- Tate

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