Monday, July 16, 2012

CMSA Convention: Welcome Party Planning

It's July and you'll be hearing more and more about the CMSA convention, with chances to get involved. We are down to about 13 weeks before the convention,and it will be here very soon! We need to make some decisions about entertainment during the Welcome Party. The CMSA funds the food for the party, and we'll negotiate some simple hors d'oeuveres and have a cash bar. Typically there is some kind of entertainment. That we'll either have to fund out of the treasury (I'll check in with Ted/Lon on that idea) or we'd need to find a way to fund it from donations from orchestra members or patrons. The party will be pool side (indoor pool). The space is congenial for that kind of gathering, but a bit challenging for musicians. What we'd want is background music as this is a meet & greet - a chance for frequent convention attendees to reconnect with one another, and for people new to the convention to chat with folks as well. Typically, the welcome party lasts for a couple of hours, and it's Wednesday, the first night of the convention (October 3rd). I'll mention this at our rehearsal tonight. If you have ideas/suggestions, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me. Dotty


Dotty said...

I received some good beginning suggestions from Myrna and Linda. Piper's Crow, there's a Swedish/Norweigian folk group Myrna has contact info for. Linda suggests perhaps the Camden Music School might have some small ensembles that could be a good fit.

Other ideas? Please keep them coming and we'll review at next week's rehearsal!

Tedd Ronning said...

Check with Jim Plattes.

Jim is an original member of the MMO and I don't know if he is planning to participate in the convention. Whether he is or isn't, he may have some suggestions. He may be willing to perform at a discounted rate for the cause.

I think the MMO fund has enough money to shell out a couple hundred bucks, but I would want to get the groups approval to do so. If we have a single artist play (Jim?) vs. a group, it should cost less. If you are looking for background music, a single artist might be best.

Lon Hendricks said...

Maybe Phil Rukavina.

Dave said...

Pert Near Sandstone,
might be too pricy.