Sunday, November 14, 2010

Evelyn O'Leary memorial

We have received a check for $75 in memory of Evelyn O'Leary. Does anybody have a suggestion about a fitting use for the money? My first thought is to buy some music with it.


Mando Annie said...

I'd love to buy "Earth Song" which is available at, more specifically - you might have to scroll to the bottom and click on page 5. There are over 200 songs just under the mandolin section here. Here's the video again of Earth Song, still one of my faves:
Or how about "O Sole Mio" or "Canon in D" by Pachelbel?

Jean M. said...

Buying new music for the orchestra is a great idea. I concur with Anne's suggestion, "Earth Song".

Lon Hendricks said...

Good suggestion. I'll try to figure out how to get the music from edition49. I'm having trouble with the language issue.

Mando Annie said...

Actually I might have a way to get "Earth Song" sheet music. I sent the video to another friend, and she loved it so much and wants the MMO to learn it. Her husband is German, and she offered to get the music for us. She said that if they won't ship to the U.S., she can have it shipped to her mother-in-law's. What is the interest level on this? Should I first have her figure out the cost?

Lon Hendricks said...

I ordered the music from edition49. It was easier to correspond via e-mail than to decipher their web site.

Mando Annie said...

That's super cool! I think it's easy enough for us to learn. I've already learned my part. Thanks for figuring it out, Lon! I know we will have 4 new German fans when we play this. Danke!

Lon Hendricks said...

I have the music now. It came in the mail today.