Tuesday, December 22, 2009

MMO on Radio

Phil Nussbaum has a very complimentary piece in this month's MBOTMA Magazine on the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra. The article also gives the air date for the interview with Lon and playing some of the pieces recorded last spring. The MMO piece will be aired on KBEM (88.5 FM) Radio on 9 Jan 2010 during the 11:30 A.M 1/2 hour of the Blue Grass Review.


Lon Hendricks said...

When I first started talking with Phil, he was planning to do a piece about the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra. As time went on, the concept changed. It became a piece about me and the mandolin music I'm involved with. He's using one piece from the high school recording session: Asleep in the Deep. I would rather have a program about the MMO than a program about me, but that's the direction Phil chose to take. It might be worth listening to, and it has one piece by the MMO, but it's not a program about the MMO.

Kevin R Le Voir said...

The article in the MBOTMA monthly magazine (newsletter) is misleading or I need to learn to read again.

Lon Hendricks said...

I just listened to the show. It includes the MMO playing "Asleep in the Deep," the Northern Latitudes Mandolin Quartet playing "Nuages," and me playing a couple of short tunes by myself. There is some dialogue between Phil and me, edited from two conversations we had. I think it will be good publicity for the MMO.

Kevin, I agree that the MBOTMA article is a bit misleading. I think Phil wrote the article before he was sure how he was going to edit the radio piece.