Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Christmas Music

I was hoping that there might have been a thread started about playing Christmas music. There wasn't, so I'll start one.

From the discussion on Monday, it seemed like there might be some interested parties. I am assuming that if anything happened on this front, it would be outside of the Monday night MMO rehearsals.

If there is anyone who'd like to pursue this, I've got a space available for practice located in a "close-in" suburb.

Jean M.


Kevin R Le Voir said...
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Kevin R Le Voir said...

I would be interested if I can find the time. Kevin R Le Voir

Tedd Ronning said...

If there is a subgroup of MMOers interested in performing Christmas music, the best places to pursue would be retirement communities. They are always open to free entertainment. I have lots of contact names and there are a gazillion others that could be called. If someone wants to spearhead this, I could help, but we need to get moving ASAP. Its already a bit late to be booking Christmas gigs.

Dotty said...

I would be interested as well.

Dave said...

Linda and I would be interested, too.

Anne said...

I'm interested. This will also give the MMO more exposure. Are we going to require sheet music? I was thinking, if those interested can play by memory, that we should select some tunes, then select what key we'll play them in. I can play most Christmas carols by ear; we all just need to be in the same key. Maybe we can group together this year but won't play until next year - Christmas season 2009, God willing. I do have some sheet music that was distributed last year (or the year before) by Lon.

Jean M. said...

I like Anne's idea of playing from memory. Also, I like the idea of organizing the group this year with the intention of booking something for Christmas 2009 (especially if we memorize the music).