Sunday, January 27, 2019

Mandolin Orchestra photo January 28 maybe

Elizabeth Gieseke will be at our mandolin orchestra rehearsal on January 28, and she'll have a camera with her. If enough MMO members are present, we'll take a photo or two of the group . We don't need to dress alike--just wear something that you wouldn't mind being photographed in. If there aren't enough people, we'll take a photo on another day.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

News from Sherry Ladig

Hi everyone,
Sherry Ladig and I are meeting for coffee soon to talk about Irish music and her suggestions for our BYNRIE tune list. She asked that I share the following information about her upcoming events. Be sure to save the date of February 1st when her band Dunquin will play their annual Scottish Island Concert!

January 19th  , 6-8 pm Dunquin plays a food shelf fundraiser at Tillie's CafĂ©, corner of Cleveland/Marshall Aves. in Saint Paul. All tips go to the local Keystone Community shelves. Eat well, hear great music, do good for your community! We'll play our favorite Irish and Scottish tunes. No cover charge.

January 25th 6-9 pm Burns Night Scotch Tasting at the Historic LeDuc House; 1629 Vermillion Street (Highway 61) in Hastings. Hear Scottish music, poems by Robert Burns, and taste excellent scotch and food pairings. Reservations required; call 651-438-8480.

January 26th Dalwhinnie (that's Dunquin with a Scottish accent) plays for dancing and listening at the evening Burns Night celebration at the Lost Spur Country Club (see details elsewhere in this bulletin for tickets and reservation information). Lots of Scottish entertainment, dinner and a celebration of all things Burns! Sponsored by the Minnesota Scottish Fair and Highland Games folks. This is a ticketed event; for full details see and make your reservation there.
    SAVE THE DATE!  Less than a month away:
February 1st, 7:30 pm (doors open at 7 p.m.) The 18th Annual Scottish Island Concert. Dunquin band and guest musicians play an unforgettable evening of spirited and soulful Scottish tunes and songs, and Joy and Jim Gullikson offer their fabulous Scottish tea at the interval (tea included in the admission price). Best entertainment value in town for fifteen bucks! If you love great Scottish tunes, don't miss this! At Olivet Congregational Church, 1850 Iglehart Avenue in Saint Paul (near Marshall and Fairview). No advance sales; tickets at the door. More information at
             Hope to see you at one or more of these!
                   Sherry, Don and Rosa

Friday, January 4, 2019

Hey, All,

Just a reminder that "first" Monday is coming up, so I'll be wrangling MMO members to have pizza at Jakeeno's after practice January 7th, so plan ahead if you'd like to join.

Allison has reserved a venue March 17th for a St. Patrick's Day performance of some type and we'll be discussing who would like to play what.  For context, some of the orchestra played an Irish trad and Ladig set at Can Can Wonderland last year and are looking to follow up at St. Anthony Lutheran.

Also, Nine Mile Creek has asked that a subset of us play for them.  They cannot accommodate the entire orchestra, so I'd love to hear ideas on who would like to play... at a time to be decided.

Happy New Year!