Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Gordon Neidinger

Here is the URL for Gordon Neidinger's performance of Carlo Monti's "Csardas" on From the Top on NPR on February 25, 2012. Gordon was a scholarship student at the 2011 Baltimore CMSA convention.


Monday, February 20, 2012

1) Martin Backpacker 2) Mandolin?

If any MMO folks are interested in acquiring my mid-1990s Martin Backpacker travel guitar with gig bag and strap, I will let it go for somewhere slightly south of a hundred bucks.

Also, anybody got a low-three-figures mandolin they wish to offload, I might be interested in hearing about it.

Thanks - TF

Friday, February 17, 2012

Notes from February 13 rehearsal


First and second mandolins, measure 72, beat 4, use tremolo on the E note.

Swimming Down the Stars

We will go slower in the last four bars before E, then "a tempo" at E (measure 69).

Please Please Me

Mandolas, play measure 8 as divisi, not double stops.

Little Rock Getaway

We sometimes lose the swing (or bounce). In a series of swung eighth notes, think of giving the off-beat notes less stress than the on-the-beat notes.

In measures 77-80, the first of each group of six triplets gets a slight accent, and the other five should be as smooth, connected, and even as possible. Try DUDUDU pick strokes.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

In The Breakers

My brother-in-law Jon Pinnow, who lives in Denver, came up with this nice little uke-based tune. I play mandolin on it, my brother John plays slide guitar, and my son Andrew laid down some bass & drum tracks.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Concert sponsored by the Society for the Doctrinal Affectation of Baroque Music :

David Jenkins, organ and harpsichord, and Christopher Kachian, guitar, will present a faculty recital from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Saturday, Feb. 4, in St. Mary’s Chapel, located on the School of Divinity campus at Summit Avenue and Mississippi River Boulevard. Here's a map: http://www.stthomas.edu/campusmaps/stpaul/stpaul2D.pdf

The recital is free and open to the public.

Jenkins and Kachian will perform works by Bach, Couperin and Lully. Joining them will be Thomas Schonberg (Dean, Lidigo School of Music, Sweden), violoncello, and art historian Michelle Nordtorp-Madsen.

I went to last year's concert featuring Chris (head, guitar program at STU), David, and Michelle, and it was great -- a very non-stuffy approach to classical music performed by excellent classical musicians. If it is like last year's concert, Michelle will provide commentary and visual aids to put the music in historical and cultural perspective.

For a change of pace after the show, you might want to head to the Minnesota Music Cafe (449 Payne Ave., St. Paul) to listen to Power of Ten, a ten-piece R&B band: http://www.powerof10.com/full.htm . The show starts at 9:30. My son Andy is now their drummer, but his picture is not yet on their website. Here's a link to the MMC website http://minnesotamusiccafe.com/ .

-Ray Artz

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Sensibility Aside blog post

Thanks again to all of you for welcoming me into the MMO. I wrote about joining the MMO on my personal blog, Idyllwild. The blog title is "Sensibility Aside - Joining the Minnesota Mandolin Orchestra."

Here's a link if you would like to read it:

See you at rehearsal on Monday!