Thursday, September 30, 2010

Possible web site interruptions

I'm changing the domain registration from one registrar to another. There could be some interruptions in service during the process. If you find the web site unavailable some time in the next week or so, don't panic. It will come back.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

A new electric mandola

From the "Eastwood Guitars" mfr. website - a nice design.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Off to Minnesota parts available

Parts for John Goodin's composition "Off to Minnesota" are available here: to Minnesota Bass.pdf to Minnesota Mandocello.pdf to Minnesota Guitar.pdf to Minnesota G clef Mandola.pdf to Minnesota Mandolin 2.pdf to Minnesota Mandolin 1.pdf

Sept 27 at Baha'i Center

Contrary to previous announcements, our rehearsal on September 27 will be at the usual place, 3644 Chicago Avenue South in Minneapolis.

Saturday, September 18, 2010


Thinking about the composers of two of the tunes, I was inspired to create the following. Dave

(Answers are composers, number of letters is given. I'll post the first letters, if you wish.)

1. Shoe width (5)
2. Very large (6)
3. Not forward (4)
4. Not in plain sight (5)
5. Place to roast red root vegetables (9)
6. Muppet cobbler (7)
7. CB moniker (6)
8. These sweep clean (6)
9. What you may be doin' in the kitchen (5)
10 (for guitarists) How you feel after biking a long distance (3)
11. What you use to open your tea-like beverage chest (11)
12. What you put over your sock, dude. (8)
13. What this was inspired by (5)
14. Offspring of a botanist (11)
15. Clipper (5)
16. Tangle or untangle (5)
17. Long, Spanish fish (5)
18. Ravager (6)
19. In favor of a morning beverage, Evelyn (9)
20. Vend a pocketbook (7)

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

September 20 rehearsal tunes

Here is the list of tunes for our September 20 rehearsal:

Nail That Catfish and Shove the Pig's Foot
Corale (Calace)
Take Me Out to the Ball Game
Pavane (Faure)
Preludio e Fuga

Nail That Catfish and Preludio e Fuga should be in your notebooks already. We last played Gallantry in 2005. We last played Pavane in 2003. (Please note that it's Faure's pavane, not Ravel's.) We last played Corale so long ago that I don't have a record of the date.

Take Me Out to the Ball Game is a new arrangement. You can find a pdf with all the parts at

Thursday, September 9, 2010

CMSA convention info

The annual CMSA convention starts October 13 in Seattle. Here's a link to a letter of invitation and information from the CMSA (in Microsoft Word format):